Links to pages in the 1963 Columbian

Cover ~ Inside Front and Back Cover ~ Title Page
Dedication ~ Contents

~~~~~ STUDENT LIFE ~~~~~
Student Life Title Page
Pep Assemblies
Homecoming Queen and Court ~ Homecoming
Fall Play - 1962
Thanksgiving Formal
Exchange Students
Simon van Houwelingen ~ Shirley Belulia
Diane Kornberg and Helen Cross
Just For Fun
Tolo ~ Tolo King and Court
Echos of the Future
Student Life
Bomber Bowl Clean Up
Spring Play Rehearsal
This and That (Senior Class Flower & Colors, Not Finished... Just Begun)
Junior-Senior Prom
District 1963
State Tournament 1963
Fun and More Fun

~~~~~ SPORTS ~~~~~
Sports Title Page

Action and Coaches
Stats and Individual Action Shots
Individual Action Shots ~ Individual Action Shots ~ Individual Action Shots
Junior Varsity
Pep Band and Majorettes

Big Nine Co-Champs / Season Stats
Individual Stats
Coach Dawald and Team Managers
Individual Action Shots ~ Individual Action Shots
Junior Varsity Team and Stats
District ~ State

Varsity Team and Action ~ Junior Varsity Team and Action

TRACK Team Photos ~ TRACK Action Shots

~~~~~ CLUBS ~~~~~
Clubs Title Page
A.S.B. Officers ~ Student Council ~ 2nd Semester Student Council
Executive Council / Student Faculty Committee
2nd Semester Student Council Fun
Girls' League
Tolo Preparation
Quill & Scroll / Debate Club
Future Teachers of America
Fun times for Debate Club, Quill & Scroll, Future Teachers of America
Cheer Leaders ~ Song Leaders
Bomber Cheers!
Pep Club ~ Drill Team
Pep Club, Drill Team Band Fun
Girls Athletic Association / Future Farmers of America
Future Homemakers of America / Biology Club
Future Business Leaders of America
Caduceans, National Honor Society Fun
National Honor Society
Sandstorm ~ Columbian

~~~~~ CLASSES ~~~~~
Classes Title Page

Class Officers and Planning Council
First Period P.E.
Second Period P.E.
Third Period P.E.
Fourth Period P.E.
Fifth Period P.E.
Sixth Period P.E.

Junior Title Page
Junior Class Officers and Planning Council
Adrian, Ager, Alberts, Alexander, Alexander, Alkire, Altman, Anderson, Anderson, Anicetti, Armstrong, Artz, Austin, Austin, Bailey, Bailey, Baker, Bates, Beardsley, Beaty, Behymer, Bell, Bell, Benedict, Benedictson, Bennett, Bensch, Bern, Biehn, Bishop, Bishop, Bixler, Blackard, Blackwood, Blalock, Blanchette, Blick, Bloom

Boggs, Bosher, Boston, Boyer, Brand, Brandt, Brasfield, Breedlove, Briski, Brown, Brown, Brown, Budke, Burnett, Burnett, Burnside, Byrd, Callahan, Campbell, Carlberg, Carlson, Carlson, Carpenter, Carver, Cawdrey, Chapman, Chappelle, Charette, Choate, Clark, Clark, Clugston, Cochrane, Coleman, Compton, Conley, Conner

Converse, Coppinger, Corcoran, Corder, Corrado, Cottrill, Coyne, Crawford, Cross, Crownover, Cunningham, Cutler, Dains, Dall, Dean, Delano, Denler, Derricott, DesChane, DeVine, Dill, Dolliver, Doud, Dowis, Drake, Dreher, Drotts, Dunning, Dvorak, Edwards, Edwards, Elliott, Evans, Evans, Fellman, Fletcher

Forsythe, Franz, Fretwel, Gana, Geiger, Gill, Glover, Godwin, Gordon, Graf, Granquist, Grantham, Gray, Gray, Groff, Grout, Gunderson, Gunderson, Hagen, Hammer, Hansen, Hanson, Harding, Harris, Hart, Haverfield, Heaton

Henrich, Henry, Henry, Hettinger, Hildebrand, Hill, Hodgson, Hoff, Holloway, Hooper, Hopkins, Hosack, Hudson, Huesties, Huske, Ingalls, Irby, Jackson, Jacobsen, Jobe, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jorgensen, Judd, Karne, Keck, Keefe, Kelly, Kelly, Kendall, Kendrick, Keplinger, King, King, Kirkpatrick, Klusman, Knox, Koford, Kolb, Krall, LaFollette, Lang, Lawson, Lawson, Lee, Liechty, Lih, Lindgren, Linter, Linville, Loasby, Longmore, Longworth, Lowe, Lucas, Lyon, Lyons, McClelland, McColley

Maason, Macki, Mahoney, Mallory, Mallory, Manolopoulos, Massey, Mattson, Maxwell, McDonald, McDougal, McKenna, McKune, Merrill, Merritt, Meyer, Middel, Miles, Miller, Minnick, Mitchell, Monroe, Montgomery, Moran, Moulthrop, Mudd, Nacke, Naught, Neis, Nelson, Nelson, Noland, Nowakowski, Nugent, Oak, O'Connell

Odegard, O'Dell, Ott, Parchen, Parrish, Parsons, Paseka, Paul Perkins, Peterson, Phillips, Phillips, Pierce, Plee, Polk, Powers, Quigley, Quinn, Raddatz, Ralston, Ray, Reining, Reynolds, Richards, Riese, Robbins, Roe, Rose, Rowe, Rulon, Rupp, Sasser, Schoenecke, Schrecengost, Scoles, Scott

Scott, Scott, Setbacken, Shadel, Sharpe, Shaw, Shepard, Shipp, Shuey, Simmons, Simpson, Skarshaug, Smith, Smith, Smith, Solomon, Sonderland, Spears, Stanfield, Stein, Stillwell, Stine, Stratton

Strode, Stull, Sullivan Surplus, Swanson, Tampien, Taylor, Teeple, Tempero, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Towne, Tracy, Trosper, True, Trujillo, Trumble, Trunnell, Tumlinson, Twedt, Tyree, Vache

VanWyck, VonKrosigk, VonOlnhausen, Volkman, Ward, Warren, Webber, Webster, Wegener, Wells, Welsch, Wersen, Winchel, Wise, Woods, Wooten, Worley, Worlton, Wright, Yates, Zielan

Seniors Title Page
Class of 1963's Top Five
Senior Class Officers / Senior Planning council
Abrams, Albertowicz, Alderson, Anderson, Apgar, Appleby

Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong, Ballard, Barnett, Barrett, Bartram, Baugher, Bayless, Becker, Begley, Beiers, Belliston, Belulia, Benedict, Bennett, Berg, Berkeley, Berkeley, Bezzio, Blackburn

Bolin, Bolton, Bond, Boness, Bowers, Bowlin, Boyd, Brackenbush, Brady, Brady, Brake, Breedlove, Bristol, Brown, Brown, Burdsall, Burnley, Butler

Wittiest and Favorite Teachers

Biggest Flirt and Wolf
Campbell, Campbell, Carlson, Carter, Castleberry, Casto, Choate, Christopher, Clark, Claypool, Cleaver, Coates, Coburn, Cole

Most Likely To Succeed
Cole, Coles, Collier, Collins, Coons, Cottrill, Cox, Cox, Cromwell, Culver, Dale

Best Dressed
Dailey, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Davis, Davis, Day, Dean, DeGraw, DeJong, Denny, Dixon, Dreher, Durbin

Best Looking
Ehrig, Ellis, Enders, Engel, Englund, Erickson, Ewing, Faulkner, Finch, Fisher, Flora, Ford, Foster

Cutest Smile
Fox, Franklin, Fruchtl, Fuller, Funderburk, Fusman, Gabel, Gage, Galbraith, Gale, Gamertsfelder, Gammill, Gardiner, Glassford, Graverson, Greene, Griffin

Most Versatile
Groff, Grunwald, Hagemeier, Haines, Hamilton, Hammill, Hanson, Hanthorn, Harding, Harmon, Harrison, Hartcorn, Hawley, Haws

Best Liked
Heiling, Henke, Hennings, Henshaw, Hertz, Hetrick, Hexum, Hill, Hills, Hirst, Hitchcock, Hokanson, Holmes, Hopkins

Most Talented
House, Housley, Houston, Howe, Hughes, Hunter, Hutchinson, Hyatt, Hyatt, Irish, Isakson, Jackson

Janin, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenne, Jensen, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Jones, Jones, Jones, Joyce, Judson

Kager, Kaveckis, Keeney, Keiser, Kelly, Kendall, Kern, King, Kinney, Kleinpeter, Klucas, Klute, Knoll, Konecny, Kornberg

Koshman, Koshman, Kratzer, LaBorde, Lambdin, Lane, Lansing, Larsen, Lasater, Latendresse, Leach, LeClair, Leech, Lee, Lee, Lee, Lindbloom

Link, Longston, Longcrier, Lund, Lundrigan, Marois, Marsh, Marshall, Mathis, Matthews, Maulsby, McCall, McCauley, McCoy, McCue, McDermott, McKenzie, McKinnon, McLaughlin, McLean, Medema, Meeker, Merryman

Meyer, Meyer, Mitchell, Moore, Moore, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Moss, Mosteller, Moyers, Mulvey, Murphy, Murphy, Napier, Nelson, Nerpel, Newell, Noble, Norton, Nugent, Nussbaum

Nylund, O'Hearn, O'Neil, Odegard, Orcutt, Palmer, Parker, Paulsen, Pease, Perkins, Peters, Petersen, Peterson, Peterson, Peterson, Pfohl, Pickering, Pierce, Plows, Popp, Poynor, Qualheim

Quane, Rathvon, Rediske, Redmond, Reitan, Renz, Rew, Rice, Richards, Riley, Rislov, Roberts, Roe, Rohrbacher, Roushey, Rowe, Ruiz, Ruppert, Schafer, Schier, Scott

Schodt, Schoonover, Schroeder, Schulz, Scofield, Shaffer, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaver, Sheehy, Sheeran, Sherwood, Shibly, Short, Simmons, Simmons, Simpson, Sittig, Sledge, Sloman

Smahlik, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Snow, Stambaugh, Steel

Stephens, Stephens, Stine, Stoakes, Stone, Strunk, Stuart, Short, Swan, Swearingen, Tacke, Tallent, Tausch, Taylor, Taylor, Tew, Thompson, Thorp, Turner

Tuner, Unser, Upson, Urseth, Valdez, VonHouwelingen, Vosse, Vowels, Ward, Ward, Ward, Warner, Warren, Watkins, Watkins, Watt, Webb, Webb, Weihermiller, Weiland, Wersen, West

Wetherald, Whiteside, Wiitala, Wiley, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Winsor, Winston, Wirth, Wise, Witherup, Wittenbrock

Woodcock, Woodfield, Woods, Workman, Wright, Zamzow, Zanger, Zelly, Zumwalt, Zweifel

Classes in Action
1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4

~~~~~ CLUBS (continued) ~~~~~
Sophomore Triple Trio / Advanced Choir
Director, Junior Sextet, Boys Quartet / Mixed Chorus
Girls' Glee, Senior Trio, Bel Canto
Col Hi Dance Band ~ Concert Band

~~~~~ FACULTY ~~~~~
Faculty Title Page
Superintendent / School Board
Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice Principal
Counselors ~ Office Staff
The Milk Lady / Custodians
1 2 3 4 5 6


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page started: 01/22/02
page updated: 01/24/02
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Class of 1963 Columbian